Wilbur Hunter
Wilbur HunterToxicKilb
Graphic Art Designer

Boone-raised entrepreneur creates ‘Toxic T’s

What do you get when you mix heavy metal music, old Sci-Fi/ Horror movies and a dash of Hillbilly madness? Toxic T’s! Toxic T’s is the crazy creation pf Boone County native Wilbur Hunter. Hunter who started Toxic T’s in 2011 says, “I had the idea all the way back in 1986, I learned about silk-screening in art class at Scott High school and it something I have always wanted to do.” “it’s my love of the weird and offbeat that has influenced my work, from old monster movies to metal music it all goes into the blender and what comes out is “Toxic”! “People think I’m crazy for wanting to sell t-shirts from an old coffin, but I am saving to buy an old hearse for a delivery car! This will be the third Coalfest that I have done and I love it,” Hunter added. “Coming here brings back so many memories my father was a deputy here for years and I have family and friends living here” Hunter now lives in Tennessee, but says West Virginia will always be his home. “I guess that’s why shirt de-signs deal with my home state, from coal mining, the Boone County jail even ole Jesco” he said. “When I tell people I’m from Boone County a lot of people’s eyes get big! It’s funny how many people have heard of this little town of Madison they seem to think that its like back in the old west times.” Hunter said he is proud to say he is from Boone County, West Virginia. “In my mind there is only one Boone County and I’m proud to say that’s where I’m from,” he said.